Welcome Arlington Public Schools Community Members!

Sign up here and manage your subscriptions to receive information about Arlington Public Schools via email, voicemail and/or texts. You can choose to receive information about the district, individual schools, and our special interest lists.

**If you are a parent of a student in Arlington Public Schools, please update your information using the ParentVUE portal at http://parent.access.apsva.us .** (You can still use this MyConnect area to sign up for special interest lists, or other schools.)

Portal passwords must be at least 8 characters, including at least 1 uppercase, and 1 lower case letter or numbers (no symbols). Passwords cannot be the same as the user name. Please do not include dashes when adding phone numbers to your Blackboard Connect profile.

Your contact info is secure and will NOT be shared. This service is ONLY used to contact you for topics you've chosen.

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You can access your account from your Smartphone. Download the app at iOS or Android.
